What an astounding lecture by international presenters Dr. John Browne and Dr. Louella Vaughan. The Gateway CERH team was pleased in inviting experts from abroad on a topic that is having a huge impact on distribution of healthcare in rural communities, the topic of "Centralisation". On October 4th, 2023, from 12 - 1 PM via Zoom, their lecture discussed "Acute Care Centralisation: What Does the Evidence Really Tell Us?". They used examples from Scotland, England and Denmark about the impacts of centralisation of hospitals and healthcare services.
One point of discussion included warning us about "deserts of care" or "overspill" that can emerge as a result of centralisation of healthcare services.
To watch this lecture, check out our YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgaFzlivOSA
To watch our previous lectures or join us for the next, check out our webpage: https://www.gatewayruralhealth.ca/rural-health-lecture-series